Revelation Order of Events – Chuck Missler

In this short video Chuck Missler discusses the Book of Revelation order of events. This segment comes from the “End Times Scenario” briefing pack published by Koinonia House.

The Book of Revelation order of events with Chuck Missler

Understanding the Revelation Order of Events in End-Time Prophecy

In a comprehensive lecture titled “The Order of Events,” Chuck Missler outlines the intricate timeline of end-time events, exploring biblical prophecies and their implications. Key points from his detailed presentation include the following:

Pre-Tribulation and Armageddon

Missler begins by outlining events leading up to the Great Tribulation. While the exact timeline is unclear, it culminates in Armageddon, a significant battle interrupted by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This momentous event initiates a series of judgments and transformations.

The Binding of Satan and the Millennium

Following Armageddon, Satan is bound for a thousand years, during which the Millennium unfolds. Contrary to popular belief that this period is utopian, Missler highlights that it ends with a rebellion led by a released Satan. This rebellion demonstrates humanity’s inherent rebellious nature, even under perfect administration.

Gog and Magog: Dual Events

A key point of confusion among believers is the reference to Gog and Magog. Missler clarifies that there are two separate Gog and Magog events: one occurring before Armageddon and another after the Millennium. He explains that Gog is a demon title, which accounts for its persistence across a millennium.

The Great White Throne Judgment

At the end of the Millennium, the final rebellion is quashed, leading to the Final Judgment. This judgment involves the unsaved dead and marks a critical point in eschatological events. It is followed by the creation of a new heavens and a new earth, signifying a cosmic renewal beyond human comprehension.

New Heavens and New Earth

Missler underscores that the new heavens and earth will be devoid of Satan’s influence. He ties modern scientific theories, such as the universe being a hologram, to biblical descriptions, suggesting a profound transformation of the cosmos.

Heavenly Events During the 70th Week

Missler shifts focus to events occurring in heaven during the 70th week. After the rapture, believers will face the Bema seat of Christ, a judgment assessing their works and determining rewards, rather than their salvation, which was secured by Christ’s sacrifice.

Three Key Judgments

Missler identifies three distinct judgments: the Bema seat for believers’ rewards, the sheep and goat judgment based on treatment of Jews during the Tribulation, and the Great White Throne judgment for the unsaved. Each judgment serves a specific purpose within the end-time framework.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

Following the Bema seat judgment, believers partake in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, celebrating their union with Christ. This event highlights the joyous culmination of the church’s journey.

Distinction Between the Body and Bride of Christ

Missler concludes with a controversial viewpoint, suggesting that the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ are not synonymous. This distinction will be explored further in his series, prompting believers to consider their roles within God’s grand plan.

Chuck Missler’s lecture offers a detailed roadmap of end-time events, encouraging believers to delve deeper into biblical prophecies and their fulfillment. His insights provide clarity and provoke thoughtful reflection on the eschatological timeline.


Exploring the Revelation Order of Events

The Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament, is a mysterious and intriguing read for many. It is a symbolic and apocalyptic work, containing vivid and cryptic descriptions of the end times. Understanding the Book of Revelation can be challenging, but it is crucial to gaining a deeper appreciation of its message.

The Seven Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls

The Book of Revelation is organized into three major sections, each with seven sub-sections. The first section covers the Seven Seals, the second section covers the Seven Trumpets, and the third section covers the Seven Bowls. Each set of seven events represents a cycle of judgment and calamity, leading to the final judgment and the establishment of God’s kingdom.

The Seven Seals represent the opening of God’s plan for the end times. The first four seals represent the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, bringing conquest, war, famine, and death. The fifth seal represents the martyrdom of the saints, and the sixth seal represents cosmic upheaval. The seventh seal leads to the Trumpet judgments.

The Seven Trumpets represent God’s judgment on the earth. The first four trumpets represent natural disasters, including hail, fire, and a mountain falling into the sea. The fifth and sixth trumpets represent demonic attacks, including a swarm of locusts and an army of horsemen. The seventh trumpet leads to the Bowl judgments.

The Seven Bowls represent the final and most severe judgments on the earth. The first bowl brings painful sores on those who worship the Beast. The second bowl turns the sea to blood, the third bowl turns the rivers to blood, the fourth bowl brings scorching heat, the fifth bowl brings darkness, the sixth bowl dries up the Euphrates River, and the seventh bowl brings an earthquake and hailstones.

The Triumph of Good over Evil

The Book of Revelation can be a perplexing and challenging read, but consistent study is the key to comprehending its message. Exploring the Three Cycles of Seven offers a deeper appreciation of God’s plan for the end times and the triumph of good over evil.

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To learn more about Chuck Missler, please visit Koinonia House

Study the Book of Revelation in complete detail with Chuck Missler starting with Revelation Session 1.

Thanks for watching Revelation Order of Events – Chuck Missler at Revelation Explained.

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