In this segment Chuck Missler discusses the book of Revelation outline and architecture. This segment comes from the “Kingdom, Power, and Glory Weekend” commentary published by Koinonia House.
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Book of Revelation Outline from Highway 5 S Church of Christ
I. Christ Among the Lampstands. Chapter 1
A. Introduction. 1:1-5
B. Greetings. 1:4-7
C. Divine Seal. 1:8
D. Charge to Write. 1:9-11
E. Vision of One Like the Son of Man. 1:12-16
F. Charge Explained. 1:17-20
II. Letters to the Seven Churches. Chapters 2-3
A. Ephesus. 2:1-7
B. Smyrna. 2:8-11
C. Pergamos. 2:12-17
D. Thyatira. 2:18-29
E. Sardis. 3:1-6
F. Philadelphia. 3:7-13
G. Laodicea. 3:14-22
III. The Throne in Heaven.Chapters 4-5
A. God on His Throne. Chapter 4
1. God. 4:1-3
2. Twenty-four Elders. 4:4
3. Seven Spirits. 4:5
4. Four Creatures. 4:6-8
5. The Creatures & Elders Worship God. 4:9-11
B. Worthy Is the Lamb. Chapter 5
1. Who Can Open the Scroll? 5:1-4
2. The Lamb Takes the Scroll. 5:5-7
3. The Creatures & Elders Worship the Lamb (The New Song). 5:8-10
4. Angels, Living Creatures, & Elders Worship the Lamb. 5:11-12
5. All Creation Worships the Lamb. 5:13-14
IV. Opening the Seven Seals(Victory Over Judaism). Chapters 6-11
A. Opening the First Six Seals. Chapter 6
1. First Seal: White Horse. 6:1-2
2. Second Seal: Red Horse. 6:3-4
3. Third Seal: Black Horse. 6:5-6
4. Fourth Seal: Pale Horse. 6:7-8
5. Fifth Seal: Souls of Martyrs (How Long, 0 Lord). 6:9-11
6. Sixth Seal: The Great Day of His Wrath. 6:12-17
B. First Interlude (The 144,000 & the Great Multitude). Chapter 7
1. Four Winds Restrained. 7:1
2. Servants of God Sealed (144,000). 7:2-8
3. The Victorious Multitude (Numberless). 7:9-17
C. Opening the Seventh Seal. Chapters 8 – 9
1. The Seal Opened. 8:1-6
2. The First Trumpet. 8:7
3. The Second Trumpet. 8:8-9
4. The Third Trumpet. 8:10-11
5. The Fourth Trumpet. 8:12-13
6. The Fifth Trumpet (First Woe). 9:1-12
7. The Sixth Trumpet (Second Woe). 9:13-21
D. Second Interlude. 10:1 – 11:13
1. Mighty Angel, Little Book, Voice of Seven Thunders. 10:1-5
2. Voice of Seven Thunders Sealed Up. 10:4
3. No More Delay. 10:5-7
4. John Eats the Little Book. 10:8-11
5. The Temple Measured. 11:1-2
6. Two Witnesses. 11:5-13
E. The Seventh Trumpet (Third Woe). 11:14-19
(The Seven Seals & Seven Trumpets Are Now Complete, Judaism Is Defeated, and the Temple of God Is Now In Heaven.)
V. Victory Over Pagan Rome. 12:1 – 19:11
A. War in Heaven. Chapter 12
1. The Woman in Child Birth. 12:1-2
2. The Great Red Dragon. 12:5-4
3. The Male Child. 12:5
4. The Woman in the Wilderness. 12:6
5. Satan Cast Out of Heaven. 12:7-12
6. The Dragon Persecutes the Woman. 12:15-17
B. The Two Beasts. Chapter 15
1. The Beast Out of the Sea. 15:1-10
2. The Beast Out of the Earth. 15:11-18
C. Judgment of the Earth. Chapter 14
1. The Lamb the 144,000 on Mt. Zion. 14:1-5
2. The Gospel Preached to All Nations. 14:6-7
3. Babylon,s Doom Decreed. 14:8
4. Those Who Worship the Beast Condemned. 14:9-11
5. The Saints Blessed. 14:12-15
6. The Harvest of the Earth. 14:14-20
D. The Seven Bowls of Wrath. Chapters 15-16
1 . The Seven Angels. 15:1
2. The Victorious Saints Praise God for His Judgments. 15:2-4
3. The Angels of the Seven Golden Bowls Appear From Heaven with Seven Plagues. 15:5-8
4. The Command to Pour Out the Bowls of Wrath. 16:1
5. The First Bowl: Foul & Loathsome Sore. 16:2
6. The Second Bowl: The Sea Becomes as Blood. 16:5
7. The Third Bowl: The Rivers & Springs of Water Become Blood. 16:4
8. The Angel of the Waters & the Martyrs Praise the Lord,s Righteous Judgments. 16:5-7
9. The Fourth Bowl: The Sun Scorches Men with Fire. 16:8-9
10. The Fifth Bowl: The Kingdom Of the Beast Becomes Full of Darkness & Pain. 16:10-11
11. The Sixth Bowl: The Euphrates Dries Up (Gathering Together to Armageddon). 16:12-16
12. The Seventh Bowl: It Is Done! 16:17-21
E. The Fall of Babylon the Great Harlot. 17:1 – 19:10
1. The Great Harlot Described. 17:1-6
2. The Great Harlot Identified. 17:7-18
3. Babylon the Great Is Fallen, Is Fallen! 18 :1-20
4. The Violent Overthrow & Ultimate Destruction of Babylon. 18:21-24
5. Those in Heaven Rejoice at Her Fall. 19:1-10
VI. Victory Over the Dragon. 19:11 – 22:5
(Ultimate Victory of Christ & the Saints Over Satan & the World)
A. Christ, the Glorious, Conquering King. 19:11-16
B. Victory Over the Beast & the False Prophet. 19:17-21
C. Victory Over the Dragon. 20:1-10
1. Satan Bound. 20:1-3
2. The Martyred Saints Reign With Christ 1000 Years. 20:4-6
3. Satan Cast Into the Lake of Fire. 20:7-10
D. The Final Judgment. 20:11-15
E. Heaven. 21:1 – 22:5
1. New Heaven & New Earth. 21:1
2. New Jerusalem. 21:2 – 22:5
VII. Conclusion: The Divine Seal. 22:6-21
A. Blessed Is He Who Keeps This Book. 22:6-7
B. Worship God. 22:8-9
C. The Time Is At Hand. 22:10-12
D. Authority of Christ to Judge. 22:13-16
E. Invitation. 22:17
F. Authority & Finality of Revelation. 22:18-19
G. Come, Lord Jesus! 22:20
H. Benediction. 22:21
Thanks again to Highway 5 S Church of Christ for this Book of Revelation outline!