Book of Revelation Outline – Chuck Missler

The book of Revelation Outline with Chuck Missler

In this segment Chuck Missler discusses the book of Revelation outline and architecture. This segment comes from the “Kingdom, Power, and Glory Weekend” commentary published by Koinonia House.

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Book of Revelation Outline from Highway 5 S Church of Christ

I. Christ Among the Lampstands. Chapter 1

A. Introduction. 1:1-5
B. Greetings. 1:4-7
C. Divine Seal. 1:8
D. Charge to Write. 1:9-11
E. Vision of One Like the Son of Man. 1:12-16
F. Charge Explained. 1:17-20

II. Letters to the Seven Churches. Chapters 2-3

A. Ephesus. 2:1-7
B. Smyrna. 2:8-11
C. Pergamos. 2:12-17
D. Thyatira. 2:18-29
E. Sardis. 3:1-6
F. Philadelphia. 3:7-13
G. Laodicea. 3:14-22

III. The Throne in Heaven.Chapters 4-5

A. God on His Throne. Chapter 4

1. God. 4:1-3
2. Twenty-four Elders. 4:4
3. Seven Spirits. 4:5
4. Four Creatures. 4:6-8
5. The Creatures & Elders Worship God. 4:9-11

B. Worthy Is the Lamb. Chapter 5

1. Who Can Open the Scroll? 5:1-4
2. The Lamb Takes the Scroll. 5:5-7
3. The Creatures & Elders Worship the Lamb (The New Song). 5:8-10
4. Angels, Living Creatures, & Elders Worship the Lamb. 5:11-12
5. All Creation Worships the Lamb. 5:13-14

IV. Opening the Seven Seals(Victory Over Judaism). Chapters 6-11

A. Opening the First Six Seals. Chapter 6

1. First Seal: White Horse. 6:1-2
2. Second Seal: Red Horse. 6:3-4
3. Third Seal: Black Horse. 6:5-6
4. Fourth Seal: Pale Horse. 6:7-8
5. Fifth Seal: Souls of Martyrs (How Long, 0 Lord). 6:9-11
6. Sixth Seal: The Great Day of His Wrath. 6:12-17

B. First Interlude (The 144,000 & the Great Multitude). Chapter 7

1. Four Winds Restrained. 7:1
2. Servants of God Sealed (144,000). 7:2-8
3. The Victorious Multitude (Numberless). 7:9-17

C. Opening the Seventh Seal. Chapters 8 – 9

1. The Seal Opened. 8:1-6
2. The First Trumpet. 8:7
3. The Second Trumpet. 8:8-9
4. The Third Trumpet. 8:10-11
5. The Fourth Trumpet. 8:12-13
6. The Fifth Trumpet (First Woe). 9:1-12
7. The Sixth Trumpet (Second Woe). 9:13-21

D. Second Interlude. 10:1 – 11:13

1. Mighty Angel, Little Book, Voice of Seven Thunders. 10:1-5
2. Voice of Seven Thunders Sealed Up. 10:4
3. No More Delay. 10:5-7
4. John Eats the Little Book. 10:8-11
5. The Temple Measured. 11:1-2
6. Two Witnesses. 11:5-13

E. The Seventh Trumpet (Third Woe). 11:14-19

(The Seven Seals & Seven Trumpets Are Now Complete, Judaism Is Defeated, and the Temple of God Is Now In Heaven.)

V. Victory Over Pagan Rome. 12:1 – 19:11

A. War in Heaven. Chapter 12

1. The Woman in Child Birth. 12:1-2
2. The Great Red Dragon. 12:5-4
3. The Male Child. 12:5
4. The Woman in the Wilderness. 12:6
5. Satan Cast Out of Heaven. 12:7-12
6. The Dragon Persecutes the Woman. 12:15-17

B. The Two Beasts. Chapter 15

1. The Beast Out of the Sea. 15:1-10
2. The Beast Out of the Earth. 15:11-18

C. Judgment of the Earth. Chapter 14

1. The Lamb the 144,000 on Mt. Zion. 14:1-5
2. The Gospel Preached to All Nations. 14:6-7
3. Babylon,s Doom Decreed. 14:8
4. Those Who Worship the Beast Condemned. 14:9-11
5. The Saints Blessed. 14:12-15
6. The Harvest of the Earth. 14:14-20

D. The Seven Bowls of Wrath. Chapters 15-16

1 . The Seven Angels. 15:1
2. The Victorious Saints Praise God for His Judgments. 15:2-4
3. The Angels of the Seven Golden Bowls Appear From Heaven with Seven Plagues. 15:5-8
4. The Command to Pour Out the Bowls of Wrath. 16:1
5. The First Bowl: Foul & Loathsome Sore. 16:2
6. The Second Bowl: The Sea Becomes as Blood. 16:5
7. The Third Bowl: The Rivers & Springs of Water Become Blood. 16:4
8. The Angel of the Waters & the Martyrs Praise the Lord,s Righteous Judgments. 16:5-7
9. The Fourth Bowl: The Sun Scorches Men with Fire. 16:8-9
10. The Fifth Bowl: The Kingdom Of the Beast Becomes Full of Darkness & Pain. 16:10-11
11. The Sixth Bowl: The Euphrates Dries Up (Gathering Together to Armageddon). 16:12-16
12. The Seventh Bowl: It Is Done! 16:17-21

E. The Fall of Babylon the Great Harlot. 17:1 – 19:10

1. The Great Harlot Described. 17:1-6
2. The Great Harlot Identified. 17:7-18
3. Babylon the Great Is Fallen, Is Fallen! 18 :1-20
4. The Violent Overthrow & Ultimate Destruction of Babylon. 18:21-24
5. Those in Heaven Rejoice at Her Fall. 19:1-10

VI. Victory Over the Dragon. 19:11 – 22:5

(Ultimate Victory of Christ & the Saints Over Satan & the World)

A. Christ, the Glorious, Conquering King. 19:11-16
B. Victory Over the Beast & the False Prophet. 19:17-21
C. Victory Over the Dragon. 20:1-10

1. Satan Bound. 20:1-3
2. The Martyred Saints Reign With Christ 1000 Years. 20:4-6
3. Satan Cast Into the Lake of Fire. 20:7-10

D. The Final Judgment. 20:11-15
E. Heaven. 21:1 – 22:5

1. New Heaven & New Earth. 21:1
2. New Jerusalem. 21:2 – 22:5

VII. Conclusion: The Divine Seal. 22:6-21

A. Blessed Is He Who Keeps This Book. 22:6-7
B. Worship God. 22:8-9
C. The Time Is At Hand. 22:10-12
D. Authority of Christ to Judge. 22:13-16
E. Invitation. 22:17
F. Authority & Finality of Revelation. 22:18-19
G. Come, Lord Jesus! 22:20
H. Benediction. 22:21

Thanks again to Highway 5 S Church of Christ for this Book of Revelation outline!

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