Genesis vs. Revelation – Chuck Missler

In this segment Chuck Missler discusses two world views – Genesis vs. Revelation. This short segment comes from the “Genesis” commentary published by Koinonia House.

genesis vs. revelation with Chuck Missler

Understanding Genesis vs. Revelation

The book of Revelation is one of the most misinterpreted books of the Bible. Efforts to clarify its meaning have often caused more confusion than clarification. There are more questions than answers surrounding its contents. Despite numerous attempts to shed light on its content, many people continue to be preoccupied with what will happen in the future and neglect the present moment.

Our focus on the end times and the Second Coming of Jesus has overshadowed the importance of God’s Grace and living in the present. Escaping reality has become more important than preparing for difficult times. We are more concerned with the future than with the present and look for signs in the sky instead of recognizing the signs of the times. Our eagerness to know what’s coming next has hindered our spiritual growth. Instead of searching for every publication that claims to decode the symbolism of Revelation, let us concentrate on what is clear and let the Holy Spirit reveal the truth in God’s time.

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To learn more about Chuck Missler, please visit Koinonia House

Thanks for watching Genesis vs. Revelation with Chuck Missler at Revelation Explained.

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