Expectations of the Antichrist – Session 1

Expectations of the Antichrist - Session 1

Expectations of the Antichrist Session 1

There are many diverse anticipations concerning the Coming World Leader, commonly referred to as “The Antichrist.” This study will explore the Biblical descriptions with the specific expectations of the globalists, Islam, the Vatican, Freemasonry, and others.

Who Is He?

Will he be a Nephilim?
Why is the Vatican openly preparing to receive an “alien” visitor?
Will he be a resurrection of Nimrod? Is his DNA a factor?
What are the expectations of transhumanist technologists in this regard?

Don’t Be Deceived

Clearly, the Bible has much more to illuminate this issue far beyond the popular conceptions; and yet the composite perspective will astonish most. Furthermore, is there a climactic cosmic deception being prepared that, if it were possible, “it would deceive the very elect”? Jesus commanded us, “Be not deceived.” But, how?

How close are these events to our current horizon?

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Thanks for watching Expectations of the Antichrist Session 1 at Revelation Explained.

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