The 24 Elders – Who are They?
Have you ever wondered who the 24 Elders in the Book of Revelation really are, and why they hold such a prominent place in the throne room of heaven? In…

Letters to the Churches Revelation – Part 2
What are Christians called to do during these turbulent times? How can you make a difference in your family, among your friends, and within your community? This follows the wonderful…

Letters to the Churches Revelation – Part 1
What are Christians called to do during these turbulent times? In Jesus’ letters to the churches Revelation Chapter 1 introduces the vision of John on the Island of Patmos. The…

Expectations of the Antichrist – Session 1
There are many diverse anticipations concerning the Coming World Leader, commonly referred to as “The Antichrist.” This study will explore the Biblical descriptions with the specific expectations of the globalists, Islam, the Vatican, and others.

Revelation Order of Events – Chuck Missler
In this short video Chuck Missler discusses the Book of Revelation order of events. This segment comes from the “End Times Scenario” briefing pack published by Koinonia House. Understanding the…

Genesis vs Revelation – Chuck Missler
In this segment Chuck Missler discusses two world views – Genesis vs Revelation. This short segment comes from the “Genesis” commentary published by Koinonia House. Understanding Genesis vs Revelation In…

Book of Revelation Outline – Chuck Missler
In this segment Chuck Missler discusses the book of Revelation outline and architecture. This segment comes from the “Kingdom, Power, and Glory Weekend” commentary published by Koinonia House. Stay Connected…

Behold a White Horse Session 2
Join Chuck Missler as he concludes this series about the first of the Four Horsemen.Another captivating journey through the pages of the Bible.

Behold a White Horse Session 1
“Behold a White Horse” explores the first of the “Four Horsemen” of Revelation 6. Join Chuck Missler as he begins this 2-part series on the White Horse Rider.

Chuck Missler Revelation Session 24 of 24
Chuck Missler Revelation Session 24 covers all the details of Revelation Chapters 21 and 22. Revelation Chapter 21 The New Heaven and Earth 21 Then I saw a new heaven and a…