Is the Tribulation Here?
Shocking UN Vote Linked to Ancient Prophecy in Daniel 9:27! Is the tribulation here? Nelson Walters’ latest video looks at Daniel 9:27, a verse central to biblical prophecy, and connects…

The Pact for the Future: Unveiling Prophecy and Global Governance
What is the Pact for the Future? In his recent video, Nelson Walters exposes “The Pact for the Future,” a document that he suggests may align with biblical prophecies, including…

Solar Eclipse and the White Horseman: Are We Entering the Tribulation?
Could the upcoming solar eclipse on the Feast of Trumpets mark the start of the Tribulation and fulfill ancient biblical prophecy? In his video, Nelson Walters discusses whether the…

A Covenant with Many in 2024?
Could a covenant with many be signed this fall? In his video, Nelson Walters explores the possibility that the final seven years of man’s rule on Earth, as prophesied in…

When Will the Tribulation Begin?
UN Covenant with Many – 2024 When will the tribulation begin? The United Nations Is planning to make a Covenant with the Many in September 2024. Will this begin the…

No Buying or Selling is Here
Are you Prepared for No Buying or Selling without the Mark? The digital takeover has already been launched in 50 countries by globalists Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, and…