Will you take the chip?

Will You Get Chipped?

Will you get chipped with an RFID microchip for $24,000 a year in Universal Basic Income? It appears this is the plan of many globalists and central banks. Eventually a…

What is the Mark?

MARK of the BEAST – You’re Being Conditioned

You are being conditioned to take the Mark of the Beast. Every day you’re defenses are being broken down by things as simple as swiping a credit card. But there…

Nelson Walters dicusses the digital dollar.

From FED Digital Dollar to the Mark of the Beast?

Wall Street Guru Explains the Fed Digital Dollar Wall Street has woken up and is realizing that the Government and Federal Reserve are creating a totalitarian state and will use…

Is WHO Treaty the Fulfillment of PHARMAKEIA in Rev 18?

Is the upcoming World Health Organization Treaty going to be the fulfillment of Rev 18:23 and “PHARMAKEIA?” When is it scheduled to be voted on? What powers will it take away from the nations?

The Statue with the Feet of Iron Mixed with Clay

The Feet of Iron and Clay

The Statue with Feet of Iron and Clay – What Does it Mean? The Prophet Daniel described Nebuchadnezzar’s dream statue of 4 metals as having feet of iron and clay….


Revelation and Passover – Exodus 12 Explained

The death of the firstborn Egyptians on Passover is paralleled by events in Revelation. It is the day of reckoning from which the world will not recover. In Revelation’s parallel,…

Revelation symbols - what do they mean?

Symbols in Revelation – What Do They Mean?

The Book of Revelation is full of symbols. So what do the symbols in Revelation mean? Understanding what they mean is the only way to understand the book. Misunderstanding them…

Symbols of the mark of the beast?

Symbols of the Mark of the Beast?

During secular, pagan, New Years light displays, symbols of Transhumanism, AI, and the Mark of the Beast were seen literally ALL OVER THE WORLD amid other pictures of aliens and…

Is the mark of the beast at hand?

Revelation Mark of the Beast – Coming Soon? – Nelson Walters

Last week a clandestine test of the USA Digital Dollar began. In 12 weeks more they will have their results and be ready to roll it out. Will it be…