The four horsemen of the apocalypse are one of the most iconic and mysterious aspects of the Bible, who are they? What do they want? How will we recognize them when they come? The Bible has answers to all these questions and more as we explore and answer the mystery of who the four horsemen in revelations are!
The Scroll and Its Significance
Before diving into the four horsemen of the apocalypse, Pastor Greg Laurie explains the mysterious scroll in Revelation 5. This scroll is sealed with seven seals and represents the title deed to the earth, which was lost when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. Since then, Satan has held dominion over the world, as evidenced when he tempted Jesus by offering him all the kingdoms of the earth. However, Jesus came to redeem what was lost—not by taking a shortcut, but by dying on the cross and proclaiming, “It is finished.”
The search for someone worthy to open the scroll leads to sorrow, as no one is found at first. But then, Jesus steps forward as both a lion and a lamb, embodying both power and sacrifice. His ability to open the scroll sets the stage for the events that follow.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
In Revelation 6, as Jesus begins to open the seals of the scroll, four riders on different-colored horses emerge, each representing a different force unleashed upon the earth during the Great Tribulation.
1. The White Horse – The Antichrist
- Many assume that the rider on the white horse is Jesus, but Laurie clarifies that this is actually the Antichrist.
- He carries a bow with no arrows, symbolizing his deceptive peacekeeping. He will rise as a charismatic world leader, bringing temporary peace but ultimately revealing his true nature.
- His appearance at the beginning of the Tribulation contrasts with Christ’s return on a white horse at the end of the Tribulation (Revelation 19).
2. The Red Horse – War
- The second horse is fiery red, symbolizing bloodshed and war.
- This rider will take peace from the earth, leading to widespread conflict and chaos.
- This war will be devastating, paving the way for further suffering.
3. The Black Horse – Famine and Economic Collapse
- The third horse is black and represents famine.
- The rider holds scales, signifying economic turmoil and food shortages. Basic necessities will become scarce and extremely expensive.
- This will be a time of severe hardship, where daily survival becomes a struggle for many.
4. The Pale Horse – Death and Plague
- The final horse is pale (or greenish-yellow), representing death and pestilence.
- The rider is followed by Hades, showing that widespread death and suffering will accompany these judgments.
- This horse brings plagues, disease, and natural disasters, wiping out large portions of the population.
The Role of the Church and the Rapture
Laurie emphasizes that believers in Christ will not experience the wrath of the Tribulation. He believes that the next prophetic event is the rapture, where Christians will be taken to heaven before these judgments begin.
- The church acts as a restraining force against the rise of the Antichrist.
- Once believers are removed, lawlessness and chaos will increase rapidly.
- Laurie cites 2 Thessalonians 2:7, which states that the “restrainer” (the Holy Spirit working through the church) will be taken away before the Antichrist is revealed.
God’s Mercy During the Tribulation
Even during the Tribulation, God will extend opportunities for people to repent.
- Angels will proclaim the Gospel—a final effort to reach those who have not yet believed.
- 144,000 Jewish evangelists will rise up and share the message of salvation worldwide.
- Two powerful witnesses (likely Moses and Elijah) will perform miracles, call down fire, and preach before being martyred and resurrected.
Despite the chaos, millions will turn to Christ during this time. However, Laurie urges people not to wait until then but to choose Jesus now.
Communion and Self-Examination
Laurie closes his sermon by reflecting on the significance of Jesus as the Lamb of God, tying it to the Last Supper. Before taking communion, he encourages listeners to examine their hearts for any unconfessed sin, reminding them that Jesus’ sacrifice is the only way to be saved.
He urges non-believers to accept Jesus before it’s too late, emphasizing that salvation is available today.
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