The second coming of Christ

The Second Coming of Christ – Dr. David Jeremiah

Dr. David Jeremiah dives headfirst into The Second Coming of Christ, peeling back the layers of biblical prophecy—some familiar, some downright chilling. He insists that, despite the world’s apparent downward spiral…

David Jeremiah

The Millennium Revelation Explained by David Jeremiah

The Millennium Revelation With mankind’s long history of war, greed, poverty and moral decay, it’s hard to imagine that we’ll ever see a time of peace on earth. But the…

Biblical prophecy and the end times.

Understanding Biblical Prophecy by Dr. David Jeremiah

The Signs of Biblical Prophecy are Here The signs of the End Times are becoming the signs of our time. Dr. David Jeremiah explores the intersection of today’s headlines and…

Economic chaos in the end times.

Economic Chaos – A Financial Prophecy by Dr. David Jeremiah

Economic Chaos in the End Times A cashless society. Microchipping people. Greed and discontentment are ever-present. Dr. David Jeremiah offers biblical insights and strategies for responding with a measured tone….

The rapture of the church

The Rapture of the Church by Dr. David Jeremiah

When Will the Rapture of the Church Happen? Millions of people will be evacuated from this world in the blink of an eye. It will be a traumatic experience for…

The great falling away

The Falling Away – A Theological Prophecy

Perhaps little is more heartbreaking in the Christian’s life than to watch a fellow believer abandon the faith. Dr. David Jeremiah presents strategies for guarding against apostasy and the falling…

The end of the world

The World of the End Interview with Dr. David Jeremiah

What Are the Signs of the End Times Dr. Jeremiah and Sheila Walsh discuss the new series, The World of the End, and how we are to live for Christ…